Kingdom International Leaders’ Network
Convening Kingdom Leaders tempered by the fire of God to exchange Kingdom Strategies tested by the fire of God …

Re-penance or Repentance
God is the source and rewarder of repentance. We are the source of re-penance and results in shame, bondage, and brokenness.

Altar and Alter
We reconcile with God at the altar of our heart; we reconcile with others through alter of our heart.

Supernatural Source
When we step out in faith to places where the only means of success is God as the source, wonderful and often unexpected things take place.

Sacred and Secular
The sacred being in proximity to the secular for the purpose of reconciliation is mandated; the sacred being yoked together with the secular that rejects reconciliation with the sacred is repudiated.

The Whole Truth and Anything but the Truth?
“We love the transformation that truth brings but sometimes want to avoid the confrontation that truth stings.”

Cognitive Dissonance
Felix was seeking convenience in accepting the truth; however, truth that convicts us of the need for change is not one of convenience. May we navigate through the cognitive dissonance as truth is revealed to us.

The God-Factor
“You can never get more energy out of a system than you put in.” If we lived in a solely physical world without the God-factor, I would agree.

To Abide is Not Just an Aside
Notice with me that Jesus states that if we remain in him AND he in us, we will bear much fruit. We must stay connected to the vine; that’s remaining in him. The Greek word rendered in English as, “remain,” means to continually place oneself. So, by extension, I continually place myself in him and continually give his Word place in my life. That is the culture most conducive to cultivating much fruit.

How Did I Allow That for So Long?
• Some aspects of our lives can be a little like that receptacle without a wall plate. Without attention, something that God designed to be whole, can remain incomplete for days, months, years, even decades.

It’s not Dead; It’s Dormant!
How often do we presume that something is dead when it is only dormant? Kingdom people think like the king. He sees life where there seems to be no life. He sees potential where it is not obvious. May we see and speak like our King!

Faithful Leads to Faith-filled
Someone once responded to Jesus with the words, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” This is one of the most accurate descriptions of where I am in my journey with Christ. I have faith but here’s how I’m reaching for more …

Everyone is the one in some way at some point.
Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Ministry is Meant for the Marketplace Too!
Ministry is meant for the marketplace too! It's time that every believer recognizes they are a minister. Worship in the workplace. Minister in the meeting.

The Purpose in the Process
Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.